Your periodontist recommends functional crown lengthening if your tooth isn’t long enough to hold a crown, bridge, or filling. Lengthening your tooth, creates more tooth structure for your restorative dentist to place a crown. Also, if your crown is going to be too close to the bone because of a deep cavity or crack in the tooth, crown lengthening is necessary to ensure enough room for the health of your gums.
Post-operative Care
You’ll see your results clearly right away after the procedure, but it takes some time to heal after crown lengthening. The team at Jupiter Periodontics gives you specific aftercare instructions to follow after your crown lengthening. They may include:
- Taking pain medication as directed
- Applying an ice pack intermittently
- Eating only soft foods
- Avoiding hot foods
- Avoiding alcohol and smoking
After two weeks we will see you for your post-operative check-up. This appointment is to make sure that your gums are healing well and remove any sutures if they did not dissolve on their own.
Your team at Jupiter Periodontics in Palm Beach, Florida is here to help you with any questions regarding your surgery and recovery.